Advisor & Educator Programs
Advisor of the Year
An effective student council or leadership group can be one of the most valuable assets any school can have. Behind every effective student council or leadership group is a dedicated advisor who guides and empowers students. These advisors are some of the hardest working people in your school.
How do they get nominated? An advisor may be nominated by their principal, their students, or an advisor from another school. Please complete the enclosed nomination form, along with appropriate letters of recommendation, in a Google Doc or in PDF format to cameron@oasc.org no later than Friday, April 11th, 2024.
How will they be recognized? The OASC Advisor of the Year will be recognized at the Annual Spring Conference and again at our Annual Fall Conference. They will also receive a plaque and (2) $75 OASC event scholarships for their school. A media press release will be provided for your school district to recognize the Advisor of the Year on a local level as well.
What criteria must they meet? In order to be nominated for OASC Advisor of the Year, the candidate’s school must be a member of Oregon Association of Student Councils (OASC). There is no minimum service requirement to an ASB/Leadership/Program advisor position. Current OASC Board members are not eligible.
Nominations are open now and close Friday, April 5th!
OASC Membership
As a member of OASC, all of the school’s student clubs and organizations, as well as their adult advisors and leaders, have access to each and everyone of the OASC membership benefits. These membership benefits include discounted rates to our conferences (Fall and Spring) as well as exclusive access to our network of advisors and advisor resource drive, our curriculum partners and their leadership curriculums, and our community partners and their opportunities and resources.
In addition, OASC provides advisor leadership institutes throughout the year. These institutes provide adult leaders, advisors and teachers of leadership an interactive experience to learn new techniques, network with educators from across the state, develop leadership lessons, and acquire the tools necessary to be successful in their journey as an advisor and/or teacher of leadership. (Please note - These advisor institutes are based on need and interest.)
At the June 2021 OASC Board meeting, new membership dues were approved for our High School and Middle School members, $225/year and $150/year respectively. The Board approved this increase in dues taking into account: expansion of who at your school (students and advisors) can benefit from OASC programs and resources, lack of increases of dues in past years, increase in partnered opportunities, and investing in the emphasis on culturally responsive and in the moment programming and support systems.
OASC recognizes the budgetary restrictions some programs may have and are happy to talk through funding opportunities, two of which we recommend being the Student Investment Account and Measure 98 funds. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Cameron Broome at cameron@oasc.org.